Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Creation Work in Africa: a project to face "forced emigration"

BigItaly focus
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(May 25, 2017) In view of the forthcoming G7, the Catholics for a Civilization of Love Commitee presented at the Press Room of the House of Representatives the campaign "Creation of Work in Africa". The project, thanks to the new EU and Italian Funds for Africa, offers new opportunities for mutual sustainable development and many development projects required by Missionaries and local communities, to the companies interested in collaborating. A task force of experts, religious, intellectuals, politicians has come to an appointment for a day open to a future of hope. A plan promoted with determination by engineer Giuseppe Rotunno, president of Civilization of Love Commitee. Jean-Claude Juncker President of the EU Commission has come up with this message: "I am delighted to attend at your conference. This opportunity comes in a particular time for Europe and the world. The recent crisis of refugees has shown what united Europe can do, when it is capable of solidarity, but also what can happen when solidarity fails. We are working to integrate asylum seekers into our societies and we have set up an ambitious migratory partnership with third parts, based on an investment plan for Africa and neighboring countries". Bishop Domenico Sorrentino emphasized:" I am well pleased with this initiative. There are so many academic debates and programmatic manifestations, but here were set some points as a first step towards concrete humanitarian and solidarity actions such as micro-businesses for Ethiopia". The main aim of the campaign, is to raise awareness among citizens, Italian and European SMEs and industrial entities to create jobs in countries of origin and avoid the drama of forced emigration and the many political and humanitarian devastating consequences. Micro-businesses with Micro-projects supported by Missionaries in Africa for over thirty years are involved in the project. This work has distinguished itself in a strong convergence, even with different modes of action of the involved people: citizens, enterprises and entities by initiating and supporting the work of many families, creating micro-businesses defeating poverty. In fact, thanks to the new Funds of the European Union, important projects are being carried out to encourage families not to emigrate, but to build their future on their lands. (red)


The Ethiopian case, quoted by engineer Giuseppe Rotunno on behalf of the initiatives of Civilization of Love, can be a great example. In Wolayta, a region where two million people live with family income of five euros a month, one quarter of this population does not have enough electricity and water for their primary needs or for agricultural use. The micro-businesses project is to provide water and electricity to the first 100 villages with more than 500,000 inhabitants. But it does not merely provide pumps and technological means, but also training and ability to maintain such achievements over time respecting the territory.

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