Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Reading marathon for the 150 anniversary of Pirandello's birth

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Reading marathon for the 150 anniversary of Pirandello's birth

(23 June 2017) To commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Nobel Prize winner for Literature in 1934, Luigi Pirandello, the Italian Institute of Culture of Sofia in collaboration with the Italian Embassy has organised an event; a reading marathon, that will take place on July 2 at the Christal Square Garden from 10:00 to 17:00. Excerpts from the collection "Novelle per un anno" (Short Stories for a Year) will be read by non-professionals in a park. It will be an opportunity to hear one of the masterpieces of the Italian twentieth century literature. "Novelle per un anno" are a collection of novels (about 250) written by Luigi Pirandello between 1884 and 1936 and include: "Scialle nero", "La vita nuda", "La rallegrata", "L'uomo solo", "The Fly", "In Silenzio", "Tutt'e tre", "Dal naso al cielo", "Donna Mimma", "Il vecchio Dio", "La giara", "Il viaggio", "Candelora", "Berecche e la guerra", and "Una giornata". (Red)


June 28th, 2017, is the anniversary of the birth of the Sicilian playwright, whose works are among the most popular in Italy and abroad. Along with Dante and Shakespeare, Pirandello is the most read and translated author in the world and in 1934, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)