Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Synthetic Biology, silver medal for Unifi Igem

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Synthetic Biology, silver medal for Unifi Igem

A silver medal goest to the team of Undergraduate Biotechnology students who participated in the International Genetically Engineered Machine Competition (iGEM) - Giant Jamboree of the Boston MIT. 300 teams from around the world took part in the conference, 90 of whom from Europe. The group of students from Florence was the only one representing Italy and, along with other teams, qualified for the "silver medal". "This is an even greater achievement because it occurred at the absolute beginning" according to the group coordinator Alessio Mengoni, Genetica's lecturer, and Lorenzo Romagnoli, spokesman for iGEM Unifi. "We have had very positive feedback from both judges and other teams". The students participated in the competition with "It's sound of coli", a Science Art project that transforms music and colors into information exchange between two E.Coli bacteria.

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