Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Engineering, students from Pisa at the Boston Consulting Workshop

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Engineering, students from Pisa at the Boston Consulting Workshop

Chiara Andreotti, Marta Donno, and Filippo Giusti, Engineering Management at the University of Pisa were invited in early November to "Strategy Workshop for Engineers", organised by The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) at the Prés d'Écoublay Castle. The initiative was attended by the top 50 students of European and Middle Eastern universities and the students from Pisa were the only case in which three students were selected from the same university. Those invited to the BCG workshop worked together on a "business case" for an automotive company to increase its production capacity. Their task was to analyse various strategic options through cost-benefit analysis and to structure a strategy towards the new technology paradigm: Industry 4.0. The workshop was a great opportunity for students to meet one of the world's best strategic consulting firms and to experience closely how they offer solutions to clients.

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