Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Literature: Diego Marani presents “Vita di Nullo”

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Literature: Diego Marani presents “Vita di Nullo”

An evening with Diego Marani at the Italian Institute of Culture of Belgrade at 17:00. His novels include “Nuova grammatical finlandese” (2000) (New Finnish Grammar which was translated into 15 languages and winner of numerous awards in Italy and abroad; “L’ultimo dei Vostiachi” (2002) (The Last of the Vostiaks), Campiello Award; “A Trieste con Svevo” (2003) (Triste with Svevo); “L’interprete” (2004) (The Interpreter); “Come ho imparato le lingue” (2005) (How I learned languages); “Il cane di Dio” (2012) (God’s Dog); and “Lavorare manca” (2014). He explores identity, belonging, heritage and memory. At the IIC in Belgrade, Marani will present is latest novel, “Vita di Nullo” published in 2017. The event will take place in Italian.

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