Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Dante the poet and philosopher of love

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Dante the poet and philosopher of love

"Dante poet and philosopher of love"is the title of the event on Tuesday, January 30th (19:00 to 20:30) at the Italian Institute of Culture in London with Alessandro Scafi (The Warburg Institute, University of London) and John Took (UCL). It is the second event of the cycle of conferences designed to explore some of the main aspects of Dante's work, such as his approach to love, philosophy, theology, language, literature, politics, mysticism, astrology, as well as his relationship with nature, grace, and the afterlife - his sources and enduring importance for many existential questions of the contemporary world. This second event is dedicated to the notion of love for Dante in the Vita Nova, in the Fiore, in Rime, in the Convivio, and in the Divie Comedy.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)