Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

School: Friuli Venezia Giulia participates in the project for internships abroad

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School: Friuli Venezia Giulia participates in the project for internships abroad

The Friuli Venezia Giulia region, through the education Area, will participate as a partner in a project to be presented under the 'Erasmus' programme regarding individual mobility for education and vocational training. "Improve-International mobility for professional education" favours the mobility of students through a programme of alternating school and work experience. It will involve 80 students in 4 schools: two State Higher Education Institutes (Isis) in the province of Udine, the "Magrini-Marchetti" of Gemona and the "Paschini-Linussio" of Tolmezzo, and two in the province of Belluno, 'Segato-Brustolon', and the 'Itc A. Colotti' of Feltre. The internships that the students will have access to are 4 weeks in length and will take place in companies in the construction, accounting, finance, marketing, tourism, and the food, wine, and hospitality sectors in Germany, England, France, and Malta.

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