Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

How has Italy changed? Historians exchange ideas

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How has Italy changed? Historians exchange ideas

"Reconstruction", "economic boom", "1968", "my body belongs to me", "caste", "fake news", "V-day", "Family day" are some of the key words that have marked the pace of social and political evolution of Italy in the last decades. How can we understand the changes that have characterised Italian society in the second half of the 20th century? How do we come up with a list of representatives, references, and of our national heroes? On Monday, February 26 at 19 at the Italian Institute of Culture in Paris Historians Guido Crainz and Ernesto Galli della Loggia, internationally renowned for the quality of their analysis, will discuss how to paint a complete picture of the peculiarities of our society. Guido Crainz has published numerous essays on contemporary history, including "Autobiografia di una repubblica. Le radici dell'Italia attuale" (Donizelli, 2015) and "Storia della Repubblica. L'Italia dalla liberazione ad oggi" (Donizelli 2015). Columnist of Il Corriere della Sera, Ernesto Galli della Loggia has recently published "Il tramonto di una nazione. Retroscena dalla fine" (Marsilio, 2017). This event, which was organised in collaboration with Sciences-Po, will be moderated by Anne Tréca Perissich, author of "Métamorphoses de l'Italie depuis 1945" (Ateliers Henri Dougier, 2017).

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