Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Innovations: an Italian-German partnership

BigItaly focus
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Innovations: an Italian-German partnership

Oct. 9 – On this day, in Berlin, the Italian-German R&D Workshop/Italy Day: Innovative Solution for European Industries initiative takes place at the Italian Embassy in Berlin. The aim to find financial and technical partners in the field of innovation technology. Organized by ICE, the Agency for Promotion and Internationalization of Italian firms Abroad, in collaboration with the Italian Embassy and Banca Intesa Sanpaolo, the Workshop promotes cooperation between firms, institutions and research centers in Italy and Germany. Throughout the day, the German partners will have the possibility to learn about the concrete ideas and projects carried out by Italian firms, while their Italian counterparts will have the opportunity to increase their transnational partnerships in the field of science and technology. 16 Italian firms and research centers will expose their 27 projects, all selected by ICE in light of current interests in the German market. 

The aim of the current Berlin initiative is to promote the birth and proliferation of networks among technological parks, firms, universities and Italian and German districts. The basis for this will be the concrete projects proposed by both sides in the high-tech sector. An element of success will be the number of common projects and cooperation occurring in response to EU proposals for the development of firm competitiveness.

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