Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Smart city: in Florence future is already here with REPLICATE

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Smart city: in Florence future is already here with REPLICATE

October 2nd, 2015 - Turning Dante’s city in one of the most advanced smart cities in Europe: this is the goal of the Distributed Systems and Internet Technology Lab (DISIT) researchers in the Department of Information Engineering (DINFO) at the University of Florence, coordinated by Paolo Nesi. The Lab is taking part in the REPLICATE project funded by Horizon 2020. The project - which will be developed in Europe with the cities San Sebastian in Spain and Bristol in England - is coordinated nationally by the City of Florence, with over 30 partners and the cooperation of major international companies such as Toshiba, Thales, NEC and Italian companies such as Telecom, Enel, and the CNR. The goal is to develop smart city technologies in the field of energy, transport and ICT. The DISIT Lab will make sure the technologies become operative in the field of ICT, working on automation and data management as well as the interface of various applications for citizens. €10 million have been allocated to Florence for the project (of the €30 million total). Of these, €500.000 will go to DISIT. "With Replicate, the technology the DISIT Lab has already developed for Florence will be expanded - explained Nesi, professor of Computer Information – Like the app Km4City, which provides real-time information to citizens on 75.000 geo-localized services, from transport to mobility, from cultural heritage to hospitals, to the weather and environmental sustainability; like Resolute, Icarus Cloud and Twitter Vigilance, in collaboration with Lamma (Laboratory of monitoring and Environmental Modeling for sustainable development)." (Red)


The app developed by DISIT will be the focus of a meeting scheduled for November 13 at the School of Engineering. For the occasion, together with the Municipality of Florence, the Lamma consortium (Laboratory of monitoring and Environmental Modeling for sustainable development) joins institutions and companies to present the results of projects in the fields of Smart City and Big Data. The meeting will be an opportunity to present the MSc in "Big Data Analytics and Technologies for Management - Mabida" over at DINFO, which also involves the Departments of Science for the Economy and Businesses, Engineering and Information Statistics, and Applications "G. Parenti".

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