Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

"Different but united"

BigItaly focus
BigiItalyfocus is a daily news service offering informations and insights on the best of the italian presence in the world.
From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy

Italy-Germany, <br>

Berlin. The Italian Embassy in Berlin is in the process of organising a series of meetings titled "Anders miteinander-Different but united" to analyze the areas of collaboration between Italy and Germany (and the multiplicity of approaches within these areas) in the political, economic-financial, media and cultural fields, through a debate that will touch both the publishing sector as well as the concept of museums in the two countries. The calendar includes the first meeting on politics in Berlin, at the Italian Embassy on February 20th, followed by a debate on the publishing sector in Leipzig on March 16th and the debate on finance (Eurozone) also at the Embassy on March 21st. The debate will then continue with the topic of museums in Berlin on April 18th followed by sports at the Künstlerhaus in Munich on April 19th. The debate on the language of media will close the series of meetings in Berlin on May 15th. (9Colonne)

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