Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Barcelona: "Libri, che spettacolo!" on April 17Th

BigItaly focus
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(12 April 2018) The first "Libri, che spettacolo!" - an event promoted by the Italian Institute of Culture in Barcelona in collaboration with the Jaume Fuster Library - begins with a story that invites us to be curious, discover new worlds, and make new encounters. The second story is about the home and how it guards our identity and the memory of what we are. From our house, we travel to other people's houses to see how we are as the 'others'. The event is scheduled for April 17tg at 18:00 at the Jaume Fuster Library. In "Gatto nero, gatta bianca" by Silvia Borando (Minibombo, 2015), a black cat who lives by day and a white cat who lives by night, respectively wonder what can be seen at night and what can be seen during the day. Accompanied by the music and the sounds in "Le case degli altri bambini" by Luca Tortolini and Claudia Palmarucci (Orecchio Acerbo, 2015), we will discover Matteo's house which is inhabited by eleven people, or Lorraine's which looks like a museum, Ottavio whose house is above a cinema, or Mimmo whose house smells of boiled cabbage, or that of little Sindel who keeps saying "my house" but which is actually just a tin shack. In "Ci sono gli orsi in Africa?" by Satomi Ichikawa (translator: F. Rocca, Babalibri, 2004) the protagonist Meto, lives with his family in a small village in the Savannah. (9Colonne)

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