Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Everything ready for the
3rd Italy-Belarus Friendship Festival

BigItaly focus
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Everything ready for the <br> 3rd Italy-Belarus Friendship Festival

(6 September 2018) The Italian Embassy in Minsk, in collaboration with ENIT (Italian National Tourism Agency) and the Executive Committee of the city of Minsk, have organised the 3rd Italian-Belarusian Friendship Festival. On September 9th, the Minsk High Town square will be animated with a series of events that will entertain the young and elderly alike who want to spend a day of fun, listening to good music, tasting authentic Italian specialties, and learning about the destinations in our Belpaese. From 11:30 to 22:00 the stage will feature an alternation of artists such as the folk group of "Tamburellisti di Otranto", the Belarusian folk group of "Dudaryki", the opera singers Alessandro Mikhniuk and Irina Kuchinskaya, the young musical talent Raffaele Papadia, and directly from Italy, Matthew Lee.

(© 9Colonne - citare la fonte)