Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Alphabetization, Agriculture:
creating work in Senegal

BigItaly focus
BigiItalyfocus is a daily news service offering informations and insights on the best of the italian presence in the world.
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Alphabetization, Agriculture: <br>creating work in Senegal

Young guys and girls who know how to read, write, and do math after seven months. Women accompanied on a journey to emancipation thanks to training courses on agricultural techniques, marketing, and maintenance of photovoltaic systems. Seeds to start and support crops, agricultural tools to increase production, solar dryers and kits to transform and preserve the fruits of the earth. These are the main results of the project #Crea, Creation emplois dans l'agriculture (Creation of job opportunities in agriculture) funded by the Ministry of the Interior, that the NGO Green Cross Italy has realised in Senegal in the belief that there can be no economic development without a growth of people.

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