Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Made in Italy / Sace export to Ivory Coast worth 312.7 million

BigItaly International

Made in Italy / Sace export to Ivory Coast worth 312.7 million

Yamoussoukro - Ivory Coast is the fourth destination market for Italian productions in Sub-Saharan Africa and the second (after Nigeria) in West Africa with €312.7 million (+6.7% compared to 2022) of exports made in Italy. These are some of the data from the Focus On titled "Between promises (fulfilled) and opportunities: the rebirth of Ivory Coast," an analysis elaborated by the Studies Office of Sace, on the system mission, on the political situation and the role of the African country on the continent, with a focus on the country's economy and the opportunities and points of contact with the Italian economy. According to the study by Sace, growth in the last three years has been driven by capital goods (including machinery, the main item of export). Instrumental mechanics (including machinery for industrial preparation of fruits and vegetables, packaging and the cold chain, water filtration, and the poultry sector) contribute to about 29% of exports, followed by metal products (15%, mainly iron and steel articles for the construction and infrastructure sectors). Paper and wood products (including furniture) contribute to an additional 13%, followed by chemical and pharmaceutical products (7%) and food and beverages. Despite the promising growth trend, which has approached +10% on average in the last decade, trade relations between Italy and Ivory Coast still have ample room for further development. Only 9% of exports from European Union countries come from Italy - compared to 37.5% from France and 11.8% from Germany. (9colonne)

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