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Gaza - The University of Bergamo has unanimously approved a motion regarding the situation concerning the conflict in the Middle East, in which the university "joins all appeals for an immediate ceasefire – as stated in the motion - to end the conflict, release Israeli hostages and Palestinian detainees, and provide the international community and the UN with the opportunity to address the humanitarian crisis in Gaza effectively." The university in Bergamo actively engages in collecting essential goods for Gaza survivors, activating bilateral agreements with Palestinian universities to provide means for continuing education through scholarship grants and remote teaching courses. "In addition to the expressed will of the CRUI – emphasized by Rector Sergio Cavalieri - the University of Bergamo has always been convinced that this can only be achieved through scientific diplomacy represented by cultural and research initiatives, education, and information. In this perspective, conferences and moments of reflection organized by both professors and student representatives have been hosted to ensure opportunities for exchange and dialogue. The motion is the result of a synthesis that combines, on the one hand, content reported in a letter signed by a group of professors and technical-administrative staff presented at the Academic Senate last March; on the other hand, requests made by the Student Council with whom we have held several fruitful dialogue and exchange meetings: the approval of the motion text is the result of a dialogue established in recent weeks between the university and its students." (9colonne)
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