From Monday to Friday, BigItalyFocus provides an information overview, ranged from development aid to made in Italy
(8 february 2019) The rights of minors in juvenile trials are the focus of the intervention by the Italian Cooperation in the Palestinian Territories, through development projects carried out with the Palestinian Public Prosecutor and in partnership with the Ministries of Education, Social Development, and Local Government. An analytical and comparative study was developed in the framework of the Aama Karama project and presented by a parterre of partners and specialists of the sector yesterday in Ramallah, with Palestinian Ministers and the Italian experts from the Ministry of Justice and Community Department of the Ministry of Justice Vincenzo Starita and Donatella Caponetti. Starita and Caponetti are already involved in the project that analyse the legal and social context and the possible introduction of the "putting to the test" institute in Palestine. Italian support to the Palestinian juvenile justice sector has been translated into Karama in a technical assistance activities for sector officials, to ensure full and effective protection of children's rights in conflict with the law and in particular ad hoc training to increase the skills of specialised prosecutors.
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